Janaza Preperations:
~ Preparation of Kufn:
The Kufn is three pieces for men and five for women. The average sized men or women will require a full flat sheet for Lifafah, a twin flat sheet for Izar and 45-inch wide and three yard long fabric will do for men’s Qamis, women use four yards. For the Qumar band a twin flat sheet cut to size will do. Remaining material can be used for the Dupatta. For someone over 200 pounds, a full flat sheet should be used for Izar. Please remove stitches from the fabric by cutting off the edges.) Men: Liafafah (Envelope): It should be at-least two feet longer than the deceased. Izar (Loin cloth): It should be about a foot longer than the deceased. Qamis (Shirt): It should be from ankle to shoulder length doubled. Women: Liafafah (Envelope) – It should be at least two feet longer than the deceased. Qumar band (Chest wrap) – It should be from the armpit to mid-calf. Izar (Loin cloth) – It should be about a foot longer than the deceased. Qamis (Shirt) – It should be from below the feet to shoulder length doubled. Dupatta (Scarf) – One square yard or a little more.
*Preparation of Kufn for Men: On a clean table, gurney or stretcher, place the Lifafah followed by the Izar on top of the Lifafah and Qamis on top of the Izar. The Qamis is doubled and a six-inch long slit is made where the fold is. After you make the slit roll back the top part of the Qamis. Make sure everything is centered. Your Kafn is now ready.
*Preparation of Kufn for Women: On a clean table, gurney or stretcher, place the Lifafah followed by the Qumar band on top of the Lifafah, the Izar on top of the Qumar band and Qamis on top of the Izar. The Qamis is doubled and a six-inch long slit is made where the fold is. After you make the slit roll back the top part of the Qamis. Make sure everything is centered. Your Kafn is now ready.
~Giving Ghusl:
*Note: Before starting please remove all nail polish, IV lines, EKG stickers, bandaids, etc. Use nail polish remover and adhesive remover as necessary. First and the foremost the remains have to stay covered at all times. For men, the navel to below the knee should be covered. For women, above the breast to below the knee should be covered. Personal protection is a must, as one can still catch communicable diseases. Set the water temperature to warm. Reach under the covers with a wash cloth and wash the private parts three times. After this start Wudu (no need to wash the palms of the hands) by cleaning the mouth and continue on as we do for prayers. As you move along put some cotton in the orifices you have just cleaned. Turn the body so the right side is up and apply soap from head to toe and rinse three times. Repeat the process for the left side. If possible, partially sit the remains up and message the belly thrice, rinse away any secretions. Dry the body gently with a towel. At this point you should put dry covers over the private parts. The Ghusl is now done.
~Shrouding process:
*Shrouding Men: Place the remains on the Kafn, the head should be where the slit was made on the Qamis. Once done, roll back the top of the Qamis on the body, passing the head through the slit. Make sure the Qamis is above the ankle and below the knee for men. Remove the covers that were placed on the body to cover the private parts. Take some camphor and crush it. Rub the camphor over areas of the body that touch the ground when making sajdah. Take the left side of the Izar and fold it over to the right side, then take the right side and fold it over to the left so that it is overlapping the left side. Take the same step for the Lifafah. Make a narrow strip from the remaining fabric and tie the Kufn above the head, below the feet, and around the mid-body (use the wrists as a guide for mid-body location). You are now done.
*Shrouding Women: : Place the remains on the Kafn, the head should be where the slit was made on the Qamis. Once done, roll back the top of the Qamis on the body, passing the head through the slit. Make sure the Qamis is below the ankle. Part the hair from the middle and place the right part over the right front and left part over the left front. Make a triangle of the dupatta and place it over the head with one tail under the right underarm the other tail under the left underarm. Take the left side of the Izar and fold it over to the right side, then take the right side and fold it over to the left so that it is overlapping the left side. Take the same step for Qumar band and Lifafah. Make a narrow strip from the remaining fabric and tie the Kufn above the head, below the feet, and around the mid-body (use the wrists as a guide for mid-body location). You are now done.
*Note: When shrouding both men and women, place the arms on either side of the body. Do not fold them across the chest.
~Salatul Janaza:
For all Madhabs (Shafi, Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki) In many ahadith, the Prophet Muhammed(S) emphasized and encouraged the Muslims to attend funeral ceremonies. Every Muslim male should try his best to fulfill his duty towards the deceased. If no one from the whole of the Muslim Community offers the Janazah Prayers, then the whole community will be considered sinful in the sight of Allah(SWT). If some of the people offer the Janazah prayer then the whole community will be saved from the anger of Allah(SWT). There are 4 Takbeers in funeral prayer in Islam. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2, Hadith #337).
“Glory be to You, o Lord, all Praises are due unto You, and blessed is Your name and high is Your majesty and Your praises are elevated and none is worthy of worship but You.” Sub-haa-nakal-laah-hum-ma wa bihamdika wa-ta-baara-kasmuka wa-ta-‘aala jad-duka wa jal-la thanaa-uka wa laa-ilaaha ghayruk
Hanifi: Hands are not raised}. Then recite Assalatul-Ibrahimiyah (Salutations on The Prophet (S) (Durood-e-Ibrahim). All Madhabs agree upon this: ‘alaa Muhammadi(n)w wa-‘alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa barakta ‘alaa Ibraheema wa’alaa aali Ibraheema, in-naka hameedum majeed. “O Allah shower Your Blessings on Muhammad(S), as You did shower Your Blessings on Ibraheem(A) and the descendants of Ibraheem(A), You are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious. O Allah, Glorify Muhammad() and the descendants of Muhammed(S), as You did Glorify Ibraheem(A) and the descendants of Ibraheem(A), You are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious. ” Al-laah hum-ma sal-li ‘alaa Muhammadi(n)w wa-‘alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa sal-layta ‘alaa Ibraheema wa ‘alaa aali Ibraheema, in naka hameedum majeed. Al-laahum-ma baarik
~ Burial process:
*Burial After Salatul Janazah the body is lowered into the grave and placed on the right side (right side angled down, front side facing the Qibla). Place dirt underneath the head to make level (like one would place a pillow). Unite the three strips. *Note: While lowering the deceased, as the body is cradled in your hands/arms recite “Bismilllah wa ala millati rasulil llah.” After the grave is closed, recite the first thee ayats of Sura Bakara by the head and the last three ayats of Sura Bakara by the feet.